New Life Church Cardigan has had the privilege of visiting churches in Tanzania to help, support and encourage over the last 14 years.
A trip took place in June 2019 where two teams went to support the work there. A building team worked on the Education Centre. The Centre we are building isn’t quite completed yet, but is already being used. A ministry group visited to teach at a youth conference and visit four other churches. Twelve young people gave their lives to the Lord and there was a revival meeting every night, where there was a powerful move of God.
Another visit took place in January 2020. Meetings took place and there were around 200 pastors and leaders present and a real sense of the presence of God. A pastor’s daughter was blind in one eye; she asked for prayer and Jesus healed her. A man who was deaf received healing and there were testimonies of backs and legs being healed. We travelled to Dar es Salaam and held a three day seminar for pastors and leaders. It was humbling to be with these leaders, they were so hungry for the word of God. The people of Keko were overwhelmed by the love and kindness they received from New Life Church Cardigan and as we continue with this work we are helping to fulfil the call that the Lord has placed not just on our church but on Wales to go to the nations.
Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to travel to Tanzania over the last couple of years because of the travel restrictions. However, New Life Church Cardigan has raised enough funds to put electricity into the Education Centre and install ceilings in all the rooms.
Janice has had the privilege of preaching in one church there through Zoom.
If you are interested in this work and would like to be involved in some way, please contact Doug and Janice Bell – newlifewales@aol.com