A Brief history of new life church cardigan
Our History
A brief history of New Life Church Cardigan
The church started in 1990 in a house in Blaenffos with three families meeting together. This quick grew and the meeting was moved into Crymych Market Hall where it met for the next nine years.
In July 1999 the church moved into the town of Cardigan and bought what was to become New Life Christian Centre.
The mandate for the church was to worship and pray and seek the Lord before doing anything else. It is something the church still does today.
After three years we had a prophetic word to go wider with the work we were doing. One of the first outreaches we did was to provide Christmas Lunch on Christmas day for anyone in the community who wanted to join us. This has grown over the years and this last year, 2021, we had nearly a hundred people who enjoyed lunch together.
In 2004 we opened New Life Community Projects, which is a furniture recycling project. We bought a building in 2005 for this work to grow and offer employment and volunteering experience.
nlcprojects@mail.com Tel: 01239 621253
In 2009 New Life Church Cardigan Foodbank was established and is very busy supporting people who are in a crisis situation. The Foodbank has tremendous support from the very generous giving of individuals, churches and schools. Cardigan Foodbank is based at the rear of New Life Church, Cardigan, SA43 1HR. You can get in touch via info@cardigan.foodbank.org.uk or by calling 07949 12730
In 2000 the church had a prophetic word that the supermarket at the end of the street would be their next home. This became a reality in 2018 and this is the amazing testimony of how this happened.
When the building became available to purchase the church didn’t have the resources to purchase it and the Lord told us that He would make a way where there was no way. Janice was in a meeting and a man asked how the church was doing. When she told him about wanting to buy a building but not having the money. He said he had waited a week for someone to say those words. It seemed a Christian businessman had asked him the week before if he knew of any churches that wanted to buy and building but didn’t have the money and if he did, he would like to help them. To cut a long story short, he bought the building for the church so that we could fulfil the vision God has given us. We are so grateful for our history because we know it is HIS-STORY.